
L’Arcimboldo magazine enogastronomico, cambia  veste, si rinnova con una nuova grafica.

Ogni professionista che sarà inserito avrà una sua scheda identificativa con tanto di articolo e foto.

L’articolo sarà composto da alcune domande che rivolgiamo ad ogni professionista e a cui lo stesso dovrà rispondere secondo il suo pensiero.

Di seguito le domande a cui rispondere in formato word o scrivere in messaggio e-mail:

1 Nome / Cognome / Età

2 Nome della struttura dove lavora

3 Città/paese dove lavora

4 Specificare se titoare o dipendente

5 Mi parli di lei e del suo percorso professionale.

6  Quali sono i suoi impegni attuali ?

7   Quali sono i suoi progetti futuri ?

8 Lei si definisce un Artista : a) Contemporaneo b) Moderno c) Tradizionale d) Classico. Scelga una sola categoria.

9  Qual è il suo motto professionale ? Es: Impara a cucinare, prova nuove ricette, impara dai tuoi errori,nonavere paura. Ma soprattutto divertiti – Julia Child

10 Sfogliando la Guida ci indichi uno o più protagonisti tra chef/pizzaioli/pasticcieri/panificatori oppure nessuno (scrivendo non conosco nessuno nella Guida) di sua conoscenza/amico inseriti nella Guida 2024.

A corredo articolo allegare N 6 foto ad alta risoluzione:

N.1 foto in verticale braccia conserte o frontale possibilmente espressione simpatica o sorridente mezzo busto (non tagliare gomiti o cappello da chef)

N.1 foto in orizzontale da copertina a corredo articolo. (in basso idea foto copertina)

N.2 foto in verticale (foto di un piatto, dolce o pizza o pani)

N.2 foto in orizzontale (foto di un piatto, dolce o pizza o pani)

Gli scatti fotografici devono essere realizzate da professionisti o quanto meno un bravo fotografo dilettante, NON SARANNO ACCETTATE foto improvvisate da telefonini.

Di seguito alcuni suggerimenti su pose foto, con l’opportunità di coinvolgere staff o familiari stretti.

Inviare le foto e l’intervista scritta in lettera minuscola ed in word solo ed via email: INVIARE FOTO UNITAMENTE ALL’INTERVISTA INSIEME SOLO ESCLUSIVAMENTE VIA E-MAIL :




Esempio/idea di foto copertina in orizzontale (no in verticale) a corredo articolo



English language
The Arcimboldo food and wine magazine changes its look and is renewed with new graphics.
Each professional who will be included will have his own identification card complete with article and photo.
The article will be composed of some questions that we ask each professional and which they will have to answer according to their thoughts.
Below are the questions to answer in Word format or write in an email message:
1 Name / Surname / Age

2 Name of the structure where you work

3 City/town where you work

4 Specify whether you are owner or employee

5 Tell me about yourself and your professional path.

6 What are your current commitments?

7 What are your future plans?

8 You define yourself as an Artist: a) Contemporary b) Modern c) Traditional d) Classical. Please choose only one category.

9 What is your professional motto? Ex: Learn to cook, try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, don’t be afraid. But above all, have fun – Julia Child

10 Leafing through the Guide, indicate one or more protagonists among chefs/pizza makers/pastry chefs/bakery makers or anyone (by writing I don’t know anyone in the Guide) you know/friend included in the 2024 Guide.

To accompany the article, attach 6 high resolution photos:
N.1 vertical photo with arms folded or frontally if possible

nice or smiling expression half-length (do not cut elbows or chef’s hat)

N.1 horizontal photo from the cover to accompany the article. (cover photo idea below)

N.2 vertical photos (photo of a dish, dessert or pizza or bread)

N.2 horizontal photos (photo of a dish, dessert or pizza or bread)

Photographs taken by professionals or at least a good amateur photographer, improvised cell phone photos will not be accepted.
Below are some suggestions on photo poses, with the opportunity to involve staff or close family members.

Send the photos and the interview written in lowercase letters and in word only and via email: SEND PHOTOS TOGETHER WITH THE INTERVIEW ONLY EXCLUSIVELY VIA E-MAIL:grafica@larcimboldo.it
Example/idea of a horizontal (not vertical) cover photo to accompany the article

The Arcimboldo food and wine magazine changes its look and is renewed with new graphics.
Each professional who will be included will have his own identification card complete with article and photo.
The article will be composed of some questions that we ask each professional and which they will have to answer according to their thoughts.
Below are the questions to answer in Word format or write in an email message:
1 Name / Surname / Age

2 Name of the structure where he works

3 City/town where you work

4 Specify whether you are owner or employee

5 Tell me about yourself and your professional path.

6 What are your current commitments?

7 What are your future plans?

8 You define yourself as an Artist: a) Contemporary b) Modern c) Traditional d) Classical. Please choose only one category.

9 What is your professional motto? Ex: Learn to cook, try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, don’t be afraid. But above all, have fun – Julia Child

10 Leafing through the Guide, indicate one or more protagonists among chefs/pizza makers/pastry chefs/bakery makers or anyone (by writing I don’t know anyone in the Guide) you know/friend included in the 2024 Guide.

To accompany the article, attach 6 high resolution photos:
N.1 vertical photo with arms folded or frontally if possible

nice or smiling expression half-length (do not cut off elbows or chef’s hat)

N.1 horizontal photo from the cover to accompany the article. (cover photo idea below)

N.2 vertical photos (photo of a dish, dessert or pizza or bread)

N.2 horizontal photos (photo of a dish, dessert or pizza or bread)

Photographs taken by professionals or at least a good amateur photographer, improvised cell phone photos will not be accepted.
Below are some suggestions on photo poses, with the opportunity to involve staff or close family members.

Send the photos and the interview written in lowercase letters and in word only and via email: SEND PHOTOS TOGETHER WITH THE INTERVIEW ONLY EXCLUSIVELY VIA E-MAIL:grafica@larcimboldo.it
Example/idea of a horizontal (not vertical) cover photo to accompany the article

Langue française
Le magazine gastronomique et œnologique Arcimboldo change de look et se renouvelle avec de nouveaux graphismes.
Chaque professionnel qui sera inclus aura sa propre carte d’identité complète avec article et photo.
L’article sera composé de quelques questions que nous posons à chaque professionnel et auxquelles il devra répondre en fonction de sa réflexion.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous les questions auxquelles répondre au format Word ou écrire dans un message électronique :
1 Nom / Prénom / Âge

2 Nom de la structure où vous travaillez

3 Ville/village où vous travaillez

4 Précisez si vous êtes propriétaire ou salarié

5 Parlez-moi de vous et de votre parcours professionnel.

6 Quels sont vos engagements actuels ?

7 Quels sont vos projets futurs ?

8 Vous vous définissez comme un Artiste : a) Contemporain b) Moderne c) Traditionnel d) Classique. Veuillez choisir une seule catégorie.

9 Quelle est votre devise professionnelle ? Ex : Apprenez à cuisiner, essayez de nouvelles recettes, apprenez de vos erreurs, n’ayez pas peur. Mais surtout amusez-vous – Julia Child

10 En feuilletant le Guide, indiquez un ou plusieurs protagonistes parmi les chefs/pizzaniers/pâtissiers/boulangers ou toute personne (en écrivant je ne connais personne dans le Guide) que vous connaissez/ami inclus dans le Guide 2024.

Pour accompagner l’article, joignez 6 photos haute résolution :
N.1 photo verticale avec les bras croisés ou frontalement si possible

expression gentille ou souriante mi-longue (ne pas couper les coudes ni la toque)

N.1 photo horizontale de la couverture pour accompagner l’article. (idée de photo de couverture ci-dessous)

N.2 photos verticales (photo d’un plat, d’un dessert ou d’une pizza ou d’un pain)

N.2 photos horizontales (photo d’un plat, d’un dessert ou d’une pizza ou d’un pain)

Les photographies prises par des professionnels ou du moins un bon photographe amateur, les photos improvisées avec un téléphone portable ne seront pas acceptées.
Vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques suggestions de poses photo, avec la possibilité d’impliquer le personnel ou les membres de la famille proche.

Envoyez les photos et l’interview écrites en lettres minuscules et en lettres uniquement et par e-mail : ENVOYEZ LES PHOTOS ENSEMBLE AVEC L’INTERVIEW UNIQUEMENT EXCLUSIVEMENT PAR E-MAIL :grafica@larcimboldo.it
Exemple/idée de photo de couverture horizontale (et non verticale) pour accompagner l’article
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